The Critical Question Every Candidate Wants to Answer: Do I Have What It Takes?

The Critical Question Every Candidate Wants to Answer: Do I Have What It Takes?

Employers communicate their company’s purpose, and they tout the many benefits and opportunities an employee can expect to encounter at the company. External motivations are of course important, but to most effectively capture candidates’ attention, companies must also learn to leverage internal motivations.

That starts with answering the one all-important question on every candidate’s mind: “Do I have what it takes?”

Click here to see the full article on Recruiter.

Bryan Adams and Charlotte Marshall

Bryan and Charlotte want to change the way the world approaches employer branding to attract, engage, and retain top talent. Their ultimate goal is to inspire company leaders to commit to a methodology that has the power to positively impact their entire organization. Collectively, they’ve activated countless employer brand campaigns and they’re here to guide you toward what they’ve found works.